E-mail Aliases in Shared Hosting
Setting up an alias for every email address is quite simple when you've got a shared hosting plan with us. This can be done from the Emails part of the Hepsia Control Panel, used to control the website hosting accounts and it will take no more than a couple of mouse clicks. It is possible to create or remove many aliases at any moment and save precious time whenever you control the emails for a few emails that you use - for instance, different business units inside a company or numerous parts of a web site. In case you receive messages from many email addresses in just a single mailbox, but different people should have a duplicate of particular emails, you are able to combine the aliases with e-mail forwarding and/or email filters, which could be also configured with Hepsia.
E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, that comes with each and every semi-dedicated server package we provide, will assist you to set up aliases for each existing mailbox in the account with a few clicks. It is easy to add or delete as many aliases as you want at any time. In this way, you can use a separate email address for different areas of the same web site or even for different web sites under one company and have all your electronic communication conveniently in one place. The latter will also make it simpler for multiple individuals to monitor what's going on. When necessary, you'll be able to make use of our e-mail forwarding feature too, therefore if an e-mail is sent to an alias, it is also forwarded to another genuine mailbox.